Breaking Dawn 34K

The concept

A nightly 34K group run during which we calm our senses and consciously move a along the challenging Heuvelland trails. After your run we provide a virtuous breakfast (vegan options available). No arrows or confidence ribbons, nor supply stops during the run. Only you and your fellow trailblazers pushing your boundaries forward.

The location

‘Breaking Dawn’ – 34K starts in Kemmel (the exact location will be communicated later). Our route twirls through the beautiful Heuvelland with off-road sections, challenging climbs and world-famous cobblestones. The run starts at night time and we will run while the sun rises to ensure an unforgettable running experience.

The Program

  • 21/05/’23
  • Check-in from 3h45
  • Start at 4h00
  • Arrival around 8h00
  • Breakfast (vegan options available)
SKU: EV01 Categories: ,
